99.9% accurate Genetic Tests & Analysis

Number of reports




Mora than 200 reports in 15 categories and covering 57 health risks.

Times checked for accuracy

No sequencing



Each individual base will be checked up to 30 times to guarantee the sequence accuracy, and this will be done following highest standards in industry.

Bring your 23&me or similar files

Whole Genome Sequencing

Sequence 100% of your DNA with this whole genome sequencing plan. (WGS)

Whole Exome Sequencing

Sequence 1% of your DNA to target one hereditary
health condition of your choosing. (WES)

Personalised actions
and recommendations

Lifetime updates of new findings

Receive free updates to new features, reports and findings in your DNA..

Genetic counselling

Consultation with a certified genetic counsellor to discuss the findings in your DNA and further actions.

Health coaching

Consultation with a genetics-trained health coach. 

Cancer reports 

Assess your risk of common hereditary cancers - such as breast, colorectal & prostate so that you can make informed health decisions. 

Dementia & Brain Health reports

Plan, prepare and protect your future by understanding how your DNA relates to brain diseases such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Health Risk & Disease reports

Uncover and mitigate your risk of developing common health risks & other diseases such as hypertension and osteoporosis with preventive clinical action plans.

Family Planning reports

Assess your carrier status across hereditary conditions including Cystic Fibrosis, Deafness & Thalassemia that may be passed on to your child.

Mobile app + PDF reports

Access your DNA results with the official Circle Mobile App and PDF report 

Fully encrypted data

Only you have the key to access your data. We use a patented Fully Homomorphic Encryption technology for your security and privacy.